FAQ COVID-19 Survey

COVID-19 pandemic affects all business sectors in the world. Restrictions to travel, gather and activities have an effect on business activities which in turn have an impact on the economy. To find out more on what is the impact of COVID-19 pandemic has on working conditions in factories (both related to occupational health and safety - including health protocols/procedures, impact on the number of workers, and impact on the business continuity of a factory), Gajimu are conducting COVID-19 survey to several factories. Check out the explanation below and learn more!


What is a COVID-19 Survey?

The Covid-19 Factory Survey is a survey initiated by WageIndicator/Gajimu in collaboration with the Mondiaal FNV and Trade Union Rights Center (TURC). The survey contains information related to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the company's business continuity and protective measures provided by companies for their workers in the face of the Covid-19 crisis, basically information on factory conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Covid-19 factory survey was filled in by the trade union representative at the factory level and factory management (HRD). The results of the Covid-19 factory survey will be displayed in the form of Data Visualization available on the gajimu.com/garment website.


What are the objectives of COVID-19 Factory  Survey?

The Covid-19 factory survey aims to gather information about the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on business activities and what steps companies are taking in dealing with the Covid-19 crisis.

This survey is also conducted to ensure that related institutions (be it government, brands, employers, trade unions, non-political organizations) have supporting data to make the right decisions. This survey will provide a deeper understanding of how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts workers and business continuity within a company.

The survey also highlights what measures companies are taking in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, where workers and employers can share information and learn from how various companies are coping with the crisis.

The results of this survey will later be used as a database for conducting dialogue and negotiations with government institutions and/or other related parties.


How is the data from the COVID-19 factory survey used? What is the Data Academy program currently doing?

1. Conducting advocacy at the factory level

Data Academy program  is currently conducting several online serial discussions and Data Academy training to discuss the survey findings. In Data Academy training, the trade unions are trained and practiced to analyze COVID-19 survey data (the same way we analyze Decent Work Check Survey)

  • See the problem points contained in the survey results
  • Identifying crucial issues that will be advocated (viewed from the influence and opportunities these issues can be successfully advocated)
  • Formulate problems and make problem statements
  • Build arguments why the issue is important to advocate (impacts and benefits)
  • Looking for data that can help argument
  • Target change targets
  • Listing of agency authorities that have the power to support arguments and proposals
  • How to push the proposed change (mechanism to be used)

An evidence based dialogue effort at the factory level is being carried out by the companies that have attended the Data Academy training to achieve changes in their working conditions at the factory level.

2. Advocating at the national level and/or international level

Data Academy program currently working on:

  1. Policy/Research Brief and government policy recommendations based on the results of the COVID-19 factory survey, which we will present to relevant stakeholders/institutions
  2. Brand analysis, to see if there are differences in working conditions between factories that produce and supply for the same brands. This data will later be used by the Trade Unions to advocate representatives of the brand in question


What are the benefits of filling out the COVID-19 Factory Survey?

The results of this survey can be used as a database for conducting dialogue and negotiations with government institutions and/or other related parties. As policymakers gain a better understanding of the challenges facing workers, they will be able to more effectively develop policies that are responsive to needs

As mentioned before, for factory, both workers and employers can learn from how various companies are coping with the crisis, compare working conditions between factories that supply to the same brands (whether there are different treatment), and use this findings to advocate for a better working conditions (treatment, facilities, support) in the factory


What are the contents of the COVID-19 Factory Survey?

The COVID-19 Factory Survey includes several questions regarding the impact of the pandemic on workers and companies, such as:

1. Measures at the factory in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 virus

  • Provision of protective personal equipment
  • Provision of Health services
  • Procedures for workers exposed to COVID-19

2. Impact on number of workers

  • Employment-related policies taken (temporary layoffs, layoffs, or reduced working hours)
  • Number of workers affected by the labor policies adopted

3. Impact on business

  • Continuity of production, sales, supply of raw materials
  • Employment-related policies taken (temporary layoffs, layoffs, or reduced working hours)
  • Number of workers affected by the labor policies adopted
  • Policies from buyers / brands

4. What assistance do workers and companies need during the COVID-19 pandemic

5. What is predicted to happen to the company in the near future?

6. Recommendations proposed for related parties (government and / or brands / buyers)


Who made the Covid-19 Factory Survey?

The Covid-19 factory survey was created by researchers from WageIndicator with input from Gajimu and the Trade Union Rights Center (TURC)


Does COVID-19 Factory Survey apply to all business sectors?

This survey is planned to be conducted in Indonesia with the main focus on labor-intensive manufacturing companies. Although the target is for factories engaged in the garment, textile and shoes, leather (TGSL) sector, it is possible that the survey will also be carried out for various sectors/industries if necessary.


How do you select representatives from which factories to be surveyed?

Previously in 2018 - 2019, Gajimu had conducted a Decent Work Check survey where we already had contact with representatives of trade union and / or management (HRD) at the factories that have been surveyed by Gajimu. 

Data Academy program also partnered with 4 big trade union Federation focusing on the TGSL sector, therefore their factory members would also be targeted to be surveyed.


Who are the target respondents for the Covid-19 Factory Survey?

The target respondents for the survey were representatives of factory level trade unions and / or management (HRD).


Who carries out the  Covid-19 Factory Survey?

Gajimu team has a total of 10 interviewers, who are selected candidates from the Trade Unions in each region who are trained intensively by the Gajimu and TURC.


How is the implementation and work process of the Covid-19 Survey?

The following are the stages of the work feasibility survey work process:

1. Survey Coordination and Socialization

  • The Data Academy interviewer will coordinate with contact person at the factory level and carry out socialization related to the COVID-19 Factory Survey to the factory level trade union, and factory management as well as sending survey supporting documents such as: copy of survey, letter of assignment, cover letter, etc)
  • Identify the respondents and their contact numbers
  • Schedule when respondents can be interviewed by telephone

2. Survey Implementation

  • The interviewer will guide the process of filling out the survey by telephone
  • For respondents Trade Union and Management, all survey questions must be answered accordingly to the applicable regulation within the factory (Company Regulations, CBA, etc)

3. Data Entry and Analysis of Survey Results

  • Surveys that have been collected will be entered by interviewers into the application provided by WageIndicator.
  • Incoming data will be checked and analyzed. If there is invalid data, the interviewer will verify the data to the respondent

4. Notification of Survey Results

  • Survey results will be reported to respondents. The data will also be displayed on the factory info page or in the form of visual data at www.gajimu.com/garmen


Can I see the results of the COVID-19 factory survey conducted by Gajimu?

Yes, it is Gajimu's vision and mission to be transparent about the data collected. Data from the COVID-19 factory survey will be presented in the form of data visualization that can be accessed by all visitors of the Gajimu site. Visual data for the COVID-19 survey can be seen here


Find out more about the COVID-19 Survey conducted by the Data Academy program, by following these links:
